Tuesday, April 23, 2013

yobeat interviews snowboard memes

content from- http://www.yobeat.com/2013/04/22/facebook-domination-snowboard-memes/

The Internet is a crazy place and everyone from major corporations to your mom are still trying to figure it out. But unfortunately for the aging millennials and older, it takes a kid who’s grown up never knowing a world without it to truly understand and master it. Meet Jonny Sgouros, founder of Snowboard Memes, a facebook page that’s acquired 20k facebook fans over the winter, with get this, no budget. After laughing at their posts all winter, we decided it was time to catch up with Jonny and get the real story on his page.

What’s your story? Who are you and where are you from?
Most people call me Jonny. I’m 18 years old and from Mahopac, New York. It’s close to the city and you can get to Mountain Creek, Hunter, Boulder or the southern Vermont resorts pretty easily. I’ve been snowboarding for pretty much my whole life and really love the sport and all the comes with it. When I was younger, I watched all the snowboard videos and thought that I had what it took to be a pro. I was always reading Transworld and Snowboarder. I’ve been riding at Mountain Creek, NJ (where my family has a condo) for a really long time now. I love Mountain Creek, but unfortunately the season only lasts 3 months. I’ve been out to High Cascade a couple times too. Last fall I started my freshman year of college at NYU, and been able to ride as much as I used to. Snowboarding is always super fun and I plan on riding for as long as I can.

What’s the idea behind Snowboard Memes?
It started out as a page for a bunch of inside jokes that most of the people that are on it now wouldn’t get. Saying that, I hope that the page gets more people to realize how funny and weird the Internet snowboard world is. Stuff like the Bad Luck Brian sending in his season edit to Yobeat hoping to get on People’s Court, but instead getting a spot in the Rejected Edits. There was a meme that ragged on JP the Don. It was different in the beginning because funny to only a small number of regular snowboarders. Now it has a lot of things that more casual riders can relate to; and it’s nice because the more relate-able content is what gets the exposure up. I try to put up things that are more esoteric in when I can. I think what we provide, essentially, is a humorous page filled with all the little things that annoy snowboarders. It’s also nice being able to promote people and videos that deserve the exposure.

Why did you decide to start it?
That’s actually a pretty funny story! There was another page called Snowboard Memes that I found that same day I started it, which was run by some dudes in Vermont. I sent in like 10 ideas for memes that I thought of. They didn’t post a single one, so I decided to start my own page. It ended up getting somewhere around 1,000 followers overnight. I think it’s because I posted something about Connor Brown that got reposted by Sage Kotsenburg and a couple This Must be the Place guys. Besides that, I was planning to start a little Facebook page to share all of the snowboard content and videos that I posted anyway. Snowboarding Memes ended up serving both.

You have a pretty solid community these days. You know, brands pay big money for that sort of following. So, what’s the secret?
Yeah you would think that the type and size of the following that Snowboard Memes has would attract the attention of some bigger companies. This however hasn’t been the case. For now at least I just post stuff from Yobeat, The House Boardshop and Dogfunk because I think they are rad. Maybe soon someone will offer to buy the cover photo or pay for some promoted posts. Then again maybe the fact that I don’t have those promotions make the page “cool.” I think the secret is just keeping it real. I’m just a dude who loves and appreciates snowboarding and all that it comes with. I try to post what makes sense and will catch people’s interest. Also there is a bit of time is spent monitoring the page. Luckily the tee shirt sales have been rather successful so I can justify the time spent on Facebook as a small part time job sort of deal. Pretty much every message that we get is responded to. I also have help from my boy Joey Leppien who runs the twitter page and helps me with the monitoring. He’s a rad dude.Collapse this post

is facebook a blog?

content from -http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080203142305AAtHYDS

What is the difference between a blog and a facebook and what one is a myspace.

Answer 1
A blog is an online journal. The word "blog" is even shorthand for "weblog." The main point of blogs is to write about stuff going on in your head and life. You can have links to friends and sometimes they make comments, but the whole point of a blog is to write thoughts down -- whether it be viewpoints or what you did that day, etc.

Facebook is about keeping in touch with friends. You post pictures, write comments, play games with apps... it's a social networking tool. Facebook is built to be more interactive than a blog. You visit Facebook for the people while you visit blogs for what people have written. Plus, you can put a blog into your Facebook, but you can't put your Facebook profile into a blog.

Myspace and Facebook are the same: social networking websites. Blogs are "weblogs" and include LiveJournal, Xanga, and Blogger.

Answer 2
MySpace seems to be more of the creative way to express yourself. You can add music, a layout, whatever tickles your fancy. You have top friends and a lot more people have it. Since a lot more people have it, a lot more people read your blogs, which could be a good or bad thing. I particularly like MySpace for the blogs because they are easy to write in and very organized.

Facebook is more on a first and last name basis. You can join a network by school, region, or job. It's a convenient way to locate the people around you. The wall allows you to see the communication going on with your friends and it saves time if you are interested in seeing who someone has been taking to. Facebook is a what you see is what you get kind of thing.

A blog is more like LiveJournal, etc. Not a good way to stay in touch, but more of a way to express yourself without the pen and the pad. It's a great way to express your thoughts and then press the delete button in a couple days when you think that your thoughts were insane.Collapse this post

flipzco exposure

content from- http://fkn-famous.com/2012/01/fashion-flipzco/

Holding things down in the indie fashion industry we’ve got a brand based Belleville, New Jersey by the name of Flipzco. Flipzco is a lifestyle brand, with a goal to show the world the true grassroots of action sports, music, & art of this generation. Now relax as we get to know Flipzco a little more and how they started out in the industry.

So, tell us about your brand.
FlipzCo… is a Lifestyle Brand. We dedicate our time, our money, & our lives to the culture we love! We live by the word’s “Simple. Urban. Swag.” Simplicity at it’s best with that unique aesthetics of swag. Our main goal is to show the world the true grassroots of action sports, music, & art of this generation. We are young adults that focus on the youth, we want to show our supporters to grow in knowledge but to always stay youthful. Whether its a break dancing event or a car show, we expand our arms to new things in order to express it to the supporters of this movement.

How did you come up with the name?
The name began in 2008 from a nickname that began in the motocross scene. The owner, Justin Francisco, raced motocross since he was 6 years old and his nickname was “Flipz”. He began designing tshirts & started calling it “Impulse” Clothing Co. People didn’t truly know the name brand of “Impulse” so they would just say it was “Flipz Company” Flipzco for short. I was so sick of people calling it the wrong name but it was a name that chose me so i went with it. My father also said its been your nickname since day one, might as well have a name you can relate too . Opportunities come and go, it’s all about taking advantage of whats in front of you – so that’s how Flipzco began.

When did you begin thinking about launching your own clothing brand? What best describes your line & who is it targeted to?
Matter of fact, i never really thought about it. The clothing brand kind of just found me. I was designing shirts for my friends in high school just for fun. When most of the hype beast kids began buying them and asking for more, i thought it was just a hobby of mine and continued to make funny slogans and apparel that influenced me. I wouldn’t sell anything i wouldn’t wear. Clothing to me was Art, i was fortunate enough to have support from my family to make my hobby a business. My line is basically for the average kid with BIG dreams. I am 19 years old and can say I’m an entrepreneur, five years ago i had no idea – i heard people mention clothing brand and my answer was “yeah right i can’t do that” & today i am vending at the biggest car events in the east coast as well as inspiring other kids to push forward into living the dreams they want to live. My brand is very diverse, i don’t have a main clientele but the youth and young adults is basically my main clientele – i would like my brand to be very generic to the point its for the person who just wants to look good on the weekends or represent a movement that they understand. “Grow in Knowledge but always stay youthful” – Enjoy what makes you happy.Collapse this post